Star Trek Collector Plates

Welcome to the home web site for Star Trek Collectors Plates.  The purpose of this web site is to create a source of information where those who collect, or are interested in, Star Trek Collectors Plates can come to share information about their collections. Most of the plates that have been produced over the years are represented on this site with front and back photos and basic information concerning the plate/series. However, this web site may not contain all of the Star Trek Collectors plates that exist. The Collector's Plates  page contains a complete list of the plates and series available on this site. To see recent updates and additions, go to the What's New  page. Check out the Unknown  page to see photos of plates that we have no information for. If you have any information or photos of plates that are currently not listed on this site, please contact  us with photos and information of the missing plates so that we can add them to the site for other collectors to enjoy.


Thank you for taking the time to visit us and please check back from time to time for future updates to this site.
